Oh no this boy was properly punished by some Independent Baptists named Pastor Joshua and Caleb Thompson!! At least that is what some supporters and fund raisers for the Thompson criminals are saying about this Mexican Van Ministry Boy that was beaten so bad that he needed to be hospitalized. WHY? Because he failed to memorize his Bible Verses. In fact Court records obtained by Reuters alleged that the beating lasted for 90 minutes, broke blood vessels and caused the boy’s kidneys to fail. If you are an Independent Fundamental Baptist you tell me. DO YOU REALLY SUPPORT PEOPLE THAT WOULD PUT WEBSITES TOGETHER TO SUPPORT THESE CHILD ABUSERS LIKE THE ONE BELOW?? UNDERSTAND THAT WHILE LOOKING FOR INFORMATION ON THE THOMPSONS I FOUND THIS UNGODLY WEBSITE THAT SUPPORTS THE BEATING OF THIS YOUNG BOY. I WANT YOU TO NOTICE THEY CALL THE THOMPSONS BIBLE HEROS AND THE BOY A WETBACK AND PUT ON THIS BOYS PICTURE THAT HE IS EVIL. THEY EVEN GIVE BIBLE SCRIPTURE THAT GOD TOLD THEM TO BEAT THIS BOY. I JUST CUT AND PASTE PART OF THE WEBSITE YOU COULD SEE FOR YOURSELF. SEE PURPLE AREA BELOW. |
Now you pastors that contributed GODS money from your People to support Child abuse, your as guilty as any muslin that doing this child abuse and thinks he is pleasing his god. Oh you say your against abortion, you just wait until they are eleven and beat them to death and saying “Well he was just a wetback” I have repeated over and over this I think the punishment was too stiff, but there has to be a punishment for this crime. These nuts think its ok to beat somebody else’s children in the name of CHRIST. Now this nutty web site where they made the Thompsons heroes and martyrs and and said GOD TOLD THEM TO DO IT, you can see they side with, the Victory Press crowd getting them dollars for JESUS. I believe that if you’re a pastor or member of a church that gave money that God let you make to support the beating of this Mexican boy, you will stand in judgment before God. Jesus Said “It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.” And you say your fundamental well you got the mental part right. |